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bisbee dog park
The Bisbee Little League, Bisbee Kiwanis and Friends of the Bisbee Animal Shelter have collaborated and now there is a new dog park under the care of the Friends of the Bisbee Animal Shelter. The dog park location is a vacant little league field in the Don Luis section of Bisbee.
Join the Bisbee Dog Park Facebook group here.

The Bisbee Dog park is located at the corner of Washington Street and Headstart Way behind Napa Auto Parts in the Don Luis neighborhood of Bisbee.
Open from sunrise to sunset
Canine Training Classes are offered throughout the year. Keep an eye on this site!


Bisbee dog park rules
To ensure everyone benefits from the availability of a community dog park, we ask that everyone be considerate and pick up after your pet.

Bisbee dog park membership
More information to come.

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